Our Purpose
The Kaimai Mamaku is a taonga. A treasured place. It connects two regions, numerous iwi-hapū, conservation and recreation groups, and livelihoods.
We bring together kaitiaki (guardians), stakeholders and interest groups to improve the health of the Kaimai Mamaku to provide for present and future generations.
Kitenga Whanui | The Vision
The Kaimai Mamaku thrives; hence we thrive.
The Trust will hold and communicate this vision, providing a shared sense of what the vision looks, feels, sounds, smells and tastes like.
Te Whakatakanga | The Mission
To restore the mauri of the Kaimai Mamaku.
More than a reduction in undesirable characteristics, restoring mauri (life force) means that the balance is tipped towards improving condition and upwards momentum. The need to reverse the decline and improve the resilience of forests and streams in the face of climate change, pest pressures, and pathogen risks is urgent to prevent the irreplaceable loss of our unique biodiversity. That urgency gives momentum to the mission.
Rautaki | The Strategy
Harness the power of shared knowledge and collective action.
Starting in the forest with existing projects, we will progressively move outwards until restoration action is happening right across the rohe. From pest control over thousands of hectares to back yard traps and stream fencing, we will advocate for a portfolio of place-based restoration actions.
Mā te kotahitanga e whai kaha ai tātou.
In unity we have strength.
How we work
Through co-governance and shared knowledge we can make a difference. We will uphold respectful, inclusive and equitable collaboration, acknowledging the parity of matauranga and science knowledge to achieve our shared vision – kotahitanga (unity).
By sharing data, knowledge, monitoring and results, we can be curious and objective, open to changing what hasn’t worked and celebrating our most effective methods. We will hold ourselves accountable for using the most effective and efficient site-appropriate methods, knowing that we need to constantly adapt, refine and innovate. We understand that one size does not fit all, so using shared information we can maximise the impact of every restoration action tailored to each place.
We all have a role as guardians of this special place. We will honour the passion, dedication, and commitment of everyone prepared to take action, and work to provide access to the most up to date and innovative knowledge and resources needed for the challenge.
Every action has an outcome. With sustainable funding, great execution and thorough engagement we can ensure that the outcomes of our projects are fair, equitable and sustainable. Our community will be engaged, project employees can build careers, iwi and hapu can reconnect with their whenua, and landowners become biodiversity advocates.