Pānui 1 | Kohitātea, January 2025

Ngā mihi nui for joining us in what we hope is another exciting year for conservation in the Kaimai Mamaku, Aotearoa and globally.

Over the break, we loved seeing the roundup of conservation successes—Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust achieved 0.8% RTI post op for rats and released juvenile kiwi straight from the hatchery into the forest, Palmerston Island (Cook Islands) has been declared rat free and Tītipounamu spotted using nesting boxes in Aongatete Forest Project… just to name a few.

It really helps to start the year knowing that people care, they want to contribute and our joint efforts are becoming increasingly effective.

Read the full pānui here.

Mā te wā 🌱


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