Awareness of conservation issues continues to increase

Local awareness of conservation issues, and the Kaimai Mamaku Restoration Project, is growing in breadth and depth. Around 90% of Kaimai Mamaku communities are aware of conservation issues such as animal pests, forest clearance and kauri ora, our Community Awareness Survey 2024 results show.

Replanting in the Kaimai Mamaku

The proportion of people reporting no awareness of conservation issues dropped by 36.2%, the number of issues reported increased, and the level of detail included in the issues reported also increased.

Similarly, the Predator Free Trust survey found that the proportion of respondents who didn’t know the goal of the Predator Free 2050 movement dropped from 21% to 15%. The proportion of respondents who understand the fundamental goals and a wider range of goals of the Predator Free 2050 movement increased.

This is a clear and strong indicator of the paradigm shift in community concern for conservation issues, particularly pest control, and represents a powerful signal for us and other similar organisations to continue their work underpinned by social licence. 

However, there was little increase of respondents being able to recall specific names of programmes and operations delivering the mahi, showing the importance of working together - success for one is a success for all.