Restoring the mauri of the Kaimai Mamaku
Manaaki Kaimai Mamaku Trust is a co-governed, purpose driven, charitable trust working to restore the mauri of the Kaimai Mamaku. We bring together iwi, hapū, investors, Councils and communities through predator control and pest plant control.
Kawekawe | Impact
*To date, as of 24 Feb 25

Hectares under control.

Predators removed through trapping.

Kaimahi in paid employment.
Mahi | Our Work
We harness the power of collective action and shared knowledge to restore the mauri of the Kaimai Mamaku. We do this through the Kaimai Mamaku Restoration Project.
🤝 Assurance Provider
Since 2022 we have managed more than $20m of funding across 12 iwi-hapū led projects. We provide independent assurance for project practice, outcomes and integrity.
💡 Knowledge Sharing & Collective Action
He waka eke noa - we are all in this together. We continue to uphold respectful, inclusive and equitable collaboration. We affirm the importance of mātauranga and western science to our stakeholders and the wider community.
💪 Capability Building
We provide targeted wānanga and ongoing capability building opportunities to meet the needs and focus areas of all KMRP tīma. Day-to-day we support iwi and hāpu-led conservation tīma with advice, support and mentoring in specialist areas including budgeting, reporting, GIS and predator control.
Latest updates
Ngā mihi nui
Thank you to our funders